Monday 25 March 2013

Pick of the week March 20th, 2013

Yes, I know this is being written on the 25th but is labeled as 20th. Well, long story short, I've been battling a horrendous cold/flu nasty. Getting better now, I think, but never mind that now. The important thing is my pick of the week has yet to be published (and I think I forgot to do one the week before) so here we are.

Captain America #5 from Marvel. I'd like to say that it's because of great writing or superb artwork, but my reason is far more self-serving. This month's issue of Captain America has my letter to Rick Remender published in the letters section! What's more, he wrote back! My first published letter, and it's in my favorite comic. How cool is that?

Right, I suppose to be fair, I have to dig a bit deeper. Rick Remender's writing has always been a outstanding, and the current story arc (albeit a bit bizarre for Cap) is no exception. Even in the sci-fi setting Remender still manages to keep Cap significant and tell an interesting story. Spanning over a decade and featuring his long time enemy, Dr. Arnim Zola. Flashbacks to Steve Rogers' childhood are my favorite part, each one adding to a very rich character background.

The artwork was a struggle for me at first. I'd be lying if I said I was a fan of John Romita Jr's artwork. Even now I see so many panels that bother me for one reason or another throughout the book that it sometimes seems a struggle to finish reading it. However, there are some panels where it becomes obvious that Jr has taken his time and put some real feeling into it. This issue of Cap ends on such a panel, and I'm quite happy that this is the issue which contains my letter.

Ever have a letter published in a comic? Want to sound off with your opinions on the current Cap run? You know what to do.

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